The following pages and posts are tagged with

Glossary Page This is a glossary of many terms that I commonly use in this website. This page is automatically generated from a YAML file using the Liquid templating langu...
General Education Assessment 2.0 Post General Education is an important part of our curriculum at Ferris State Univeristy. The courses that make up our General Education program constitute the fo...
Setting Up Bash Post I usually spend a bit of time getting my bash terminal set up just the way that I want it. This might be superceded by zsh in the next version of the Macinto...
iPhone Organization Post I tend to have quite a few apps loaded on my iPhone at any one time. For the longest time, I have struggled with how to best organize them all. I was frustra...
My Glossary Post I have created my own take on a bootstrap glossary for this site. The whole thing is set up as one YAML file, which I have stored under _data for this site. ...
Featured Microbes Post I have created a simple image gallery of 50 microbes for my website. Here is everything that you need to use it on your own sites.
Text Expander and Assessment Post Creating assignments using Nuventive Improve requires both uniformity in form and yet individualization depending upon the assessment strategy selected. Text...
My Workflow Post I have adapted parts of several different suggestions to create an automated workflow for my Jekyll website. With one simple bash script, I am able to update...

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