The workload of a tenure-track faculty position consists of 50% teaching, 50% research, 50% service, and other duties as assigned. I have listed several additional leadership roles that I have had in the past few years.

Academic Affairs Assessment Coordinator (2011-2013)

In this role, I served as the primary resource for assessment to the university community and chairs. I worked extensively with Ferris’ Assessment Committee in its effort to improve the quality of courses and programs. I also coordinated educational activities and a series of forums through the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning. In addition, I provided educational resources on assessment through an online blog, “Assessment in Action” and encouraged others to use it as a place to build a university-wide dialog about how assessment is and should be done at Ferris.

General Education Coordinator (2013-2018)

As the General Education Coordinator, I implemented the recommendations of the General Education Taskforce to create a revised curriculum for the university. This role is a faculty position that directly reports to the Associate Provost for Academic Operations and oversees the day-to-day operations of the General Education Program. The Coordinator collaborates with the University General Education Committee (UGEC) to:

  • Ensure that established general education policies and procedures are properly implemented;
  • Develop new policies as needed for consideration by the Academic Senate and Provost that strengthen the General Education Program and are based on university-wide feedback, assessment data, and best practices;
  • Coordinate implementation of general education assessment, curricular mapping, and course re-certification;
  • Develop, coordinate, and promote, through the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning and other avenues, activities that encourage and support the use of High Impact Practices (HIPs) for faculty who are or may be teaching general education courses;
  • Promote the General Education Program to all stakeholders;
  • Oversee the design, development, and maintenance of the General Education Program website and other general education materials;
  • Prepare regular updates and an annual report to the Academic Senate and Provost about the status and activities of the General Education Program;
  • Mediate and work to resolve general education issues that arise;
  • Initiate and oversee general education committee/subcommittee meetings;
  • Work with others to recognize, develop, and coordinate co-curricular experiences that address the Ferris Learning Outcomes in ways that can be meaningfully implemented, credited, and tracked as part of an FSU student’s general education experience;
  • And take part in developing and implementing new and ongoing initiatives in Academic Affairs and in Student Affairs related to student success and retention.

College of Arts and Sciences Biology Assessment Coordinator (2018)

General Education Assessment Coordinator (2018)

Tags: service

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