A nexus is a connection or series of connections linking two or more things. As such, this page is meant to connect decision makers at Ferris State Univesity with relevant data sources in an intuitive and interactive way. I plan to make a variety of dashboards, graphs, and interactive documents available from here.

nexus logo


None of the resources below contain personally identifiable information (PII). However, these analyses are meant primarily for the use of Ferris faculty, staff, and administrators. Therefore, I have added auth0 authorization to the reports. This does not work as single signon from your Ferris account. You will, however, need to use a valid Ferris email to access the projects. Just create an account with your email and a password that you can remember.


shiny hexagon NSSE 2008 to 2012 - This is an interactive document that explores potential correlations within the NSSE datasets from 2008 to 2012. Multiple linear regression analysis is also used to examine predictors of fall to fall student attrition of freshmen students. Currently being edited

shiny hexagon FTIAC Analysis - This is an interactive dashboard that can be used to explore possible patterns in the recruitment and retention of full time, freshman, FTIAC students at Ferris State University from 2010 to 2018. The full dataset contained 17,329 student records. Out of state and foreign students were subsequently removed resulting in 15,930 records (92% in-state enrollment).

shiny hexagon Graduate Analysis - This is another interactive dashboard that can be use to explore the geographical distribution of our graduates from 2000 to present. The ###,### records in this dataset can be filtered by year, academic college, major, degree, and student type (FTIAC vs transfer). Awaiting data

shiny hexagon General Education - This is yet another interactive dashboard that provides analyses and summaries of student learning in our new General Education program. This dataset begins with the fall 2017 semester. Currently being edited

Tags: analysis r shiny

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