My To Do List
I have a ways to go in completing my Robert Heinlein to do list. I hope to complete them all in fully in this lifetime. After all, shouldn't we all strive to be competent men and women? I'm keeping a running tally of my progress below.
According to Robert Heinlein, a human being should be able to:
- Change a diaper (I’ve done this too many times already)
- Plan an invasion (I don’t know; does Axis and Allies count?)
- Butcher a hog (I’ve not done is solo, though. Just helped)
- Conn a ship (A boat, actually, but I’m counting that)
- Design a building (Sure, but that doesn’t mean it was built)
- Write a sonnet (Several in fact)
- Balance accounts (Yes, but I didn’t like it)
- Build a wall (Lots)
- Set a bone (Have not been in a position where I’ve had to. That’s fine with me for now)
- Comfort the dying (Yes)
- Take orders (Lots)
- Give orders (Some)
- Cooperate (Usually)
- Act alone (When I want it to actually get done)
- Solve equations (For fun and profit)
- Analyze a new problem (All the time)
- Pitch manure (Oh heck yeah; cow, horse, pig, and chicken)
- Program a computer (Morning, noon, and night)
- Cook a tasty meal (Yes, but my wife says not often enough)
- Fight efficiently (Have not had the need to really)
- Die gallantly (I have to admit that I’m sort of dragging my feet on this one)
For as he says, “Specialization is for insects.” I feel like I’m doing pretty good so far.